Pottery Studio Layout Content Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastBusiness NameEmail *Refer to TemplateRefer to template at http://www.smallbizwebsites.ca/pottery-studio-layout while filling in this form. Reminder that you may use the photos in this template or switch them for your photos. Sizes are provided for each below and must be at least that size and the same ratio. Section #1Background image - 1920x1000px Contact Us button will link to Contact section below. Title or Business NameEnter a short title or your business name.IntroProvide a short paragraph about your business and what you offer. Maximum 50 wordsSection #2 - Left ColumnTitle - About Our StudioEnter new title above or leave blank to keep existing title. About Our Studio descriptionProvide details about your studio. Maximum 50 words Come Visit button links to Contact section below.Section #2 - Right ColumnTitle - Take A ClassEnter new title above or leave blank to keep existing title. Take A Class description The above can be a paragraph or list of your current classes. Each item in the list can be a link to a PDF download outlining the class contents. Sign Up Today links to the Contact section below. Section #3Right image - 1280x850pxTitle - Workshops & Guest ArtistsEnter a short title or leave blank to use existing title. Workshops Info (copy)Provide info about your workshop or guest artist. Maximum 50 words. Book Your Seat button links to the Contact sectionSection #4Left image - 1280x850pxTitle - Private Groups & EventsEnter a short title or leave blank to use existing title. Private events InfoProvide info about your private groups & events. Maximum 50 words. Reserve Your Spot button links to the Contact sectionSection #5Title - Art For SaleProvide a short title or leave blank to use existing title. Art for sale introProvide info about your sale art. Maximum 40 words. More Products button can be a link to a PDF file of your sale art. Art #1 TitleEnter your own title of the piece of art. Image above title - 500x300pxArt #2 Title Enter your own title of the piece of art. Image above title - 500x300pxArt #3 TitleEnter your own title of the piece of art. Image above title - 500x300pxArt #1 DescriptionProvide a short description for this piece of art. Maximum 10 words plus include the price if you want that listed on the site. Art #2 DescriptionProvide a short description for this piece of art. Maximum 10 words plus include the price if you want that listed on the site. Art #3 DescriptionProvide a short description for this piece of art. Maximum 10 words plus include the price if you want that listed on the site. Section #6Title #1 - Happy StudentsProvide a 2 or 3 word title or leave blank to use existing title.TestimonialProvide a short testimonial from a happy client. Maximum 30 words plus the author's name. Section 7No Title for this section.Title #1 - AddressProvide your full addressTitle #2 - Call UsProvide your phone numberTitle #3 - Email UsProvide your email addressSocial MediaProvide your links to your social media accounts.Final NotesPlease provide any other notes, requests or comments in the box below. Submit